Greater Milwaukee Handgun League
UPDATE GMHL Suspended until Further Notice.
Due to work traveling schedules Frank will be unable to run a Fall/Winter handgun league for the 2022-23 season.
View Introduction to Greater Milwaukee Handgun League PowerPoint
The Greater Milwaukee Handgun League (GMHL) hosts two sessions of NRA-style bulls-eye pistol shooting matches per year with the Fall session beginning in September and the Spring session beginning in January. Each league runs 12 weeks.
Matches are held on Mondays at Wisconsin Firearms Training Center, Inc. and consist of a gallery format with 30 rounds of fire that include slow, timed, and rapid fire. Use any pistol of any caliber that can hold a minimum of five (5) rounds.
Pistol classes include:
Snubby (barrel is 3.5" or less, NO rim fire and NO optics)
The upcoming Winter 2021 session runs for 12 consecutive weeks beginning on Monday, January 10 through Monday, March 28. Matches are held on Mondays from 12pm-8pm.
Pre-register either in person at WFTC or online. Registrations are accepted for the Winter session through 6pm January 24, 2021. The price to register for the Winter League is $60 per firearm if you register on or before January 10 (or $70 per firearm if you register between January 11 and January 24).
Pre-Shoot Your Match
Participants CAN shoot their match ahead of time, and this is highly recommended if you'll be unable to shoot on one of the regularly scheduled Mondays. It also allows you to "put one in the bank".
Make-up Match Policy
Making up a missed Monday shooting date AFTER that date has passed is discouraged as late scoring doesn’t allow accurate updates to the weekly scores. Exceptions to this policy are reviewed and approved on a case by case basis and may be allowed under the following circumstances.
- Participant has experienced a verifiable unanticipated event that resulted in missing the Monday match date and has contacted the match coordinator.
- Participant has contacted the match coordinator by either phone or email on or before the Monday match date to inform the coordinator that they will not be able to attend.
If approved by the match coordinator, any make-up matches must be completed on the next regularly scheduled Monday match date.
Match Rules
Greater Milwaukee Handgun League matches use the NRA Precision Pistol Rules. If you have questions about match rules, contact the match coordinator.
For any and all questions, please email the match coordinator Frank van den Berge at
See you on the range!